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Do Dogs Make You Happier? The Science of Canine Companionship

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Do Dogs Make You Happier? The Science of Canine Companionship

Do dogs make you happier? According to a study by the University of Missouri, the answer is yes! The study found that people who own dogs are more likely to report being happy than those who do not own dogs. In fact, dog owners were found to be 43% more likely to say they were “very happy” than non-dog owners. So why do dogs make us happier? There are many reasons!

One reason is that dogs provide us with companionship. They are always happy to see us and they make us feel loved. Dogs also require us to take care of them, which gives us a sense of purpose. Additionally, dogs have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and even increase our lifespan!

So if you’re looking for a furry friend who will make you happier, look no further than your local shelter or rescue group. You’ll be glad you did!

Another study found that dog owners were more likely to get outside for walks and other activities than those without dogs. Walking is a great way to improve your mental health, so this is just one more benefit of owning a dog! And if you’re not able to have a dog of your own, consider volunteering at a local shelter. Walking dogs is a great way to get some exercise and make some new furry friends.

So if you’re looking to lead a healthier lifestyle, getting a furry friend may be just what you need. Not to mention, all that extra walking is bound to do wonders for your mental health too. Numerous studies have shown that spending time outdoors in nature can help reduce stress levels, improve moods, and boost overall happiness. And what better way to enjoy some quality time outdoors than by taking your four-legged friend for a walk?

So if you’re feeling down in the dumps, do yourself a favor and go out and adopt a dog. Not only will you be getting a loyal companion, but you may just find yourself feeling happier and healthier in the process. And really, what more could you ask for?

Do dogs make us happier? It seems that according to science, the answer is yes! If you're looking to lead a healthier lifestyle or just boost your overall happiness, spending time with a furry friend may be exactly what you need. Numerous studies have shown the benefits of dog ownership including increased physical activity, lower BMI and obesity rates, and improved mental health. So next time

So what are you waiting for? Go out and adopt a dog today! You’ll be glad you did.


- University of Missouri study:

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